Gorbachev, the former leader of the Soviet Union, is "infamous" for the collapse of the USSR. However, Gorbachev was a very selfless leader. His main reforms were centered around helping the people of Russia and the entirety of the USSR. He was an advocate of democratization, freedom of speech, and economic restructuring so as to improve the Soviet economy. Unfortunately the results were, severe inflation, a widening gap between the rich and poor, and ultimately the destruction of the Soviet Union and the fall of Communism.
Gorbachev, did not intend to put the USSR in a worse state, but unfortunately that was the reality. One leader, with good intentions, managed to ruin years of communistic alliance in eastern Europe. This brings me to the question, what if Gorbachev were more selfish and ruthless? Obviously being a considerate leader did not get him anywhere, but what would have happened if Gorbachev had been a ruthless dictator and cared only about consolidating the power of the communist?
Personally, I think although it may not have been in the best interest of the people, he would have at least succeeded in maintaining the power of the USSR. Had Gorbachev shifted his focus, he may not have had to deal with the collapse of communism in Russia. Although selfish leaders are ill regarded in history, their strictness, in some situations, has led to strengthened nations. For example tightfisted rulers like Stalin and Xiaoping have turned dictator rule to economic prosperity. Despite harsh dictator rule, Stalin made Russia's steel industry prosperous. Xiaoping despite suppressing protests in China and stripping Chinese citizens of the freedom of speech, helped launch China into an economic powerhouse. In summation, maybe if Gorbachev wasn't such a lenient and selfless leader, he may have been able to achieve more.
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